18 November 2021 - Organ Campaign Officially Launched - £300,000 Already Raised
On Thursday 18th November, the Friends of Wells Cathedral Grand Organ Appeal was launched in front of a large audience of invited guests. Representatives of the Friends, the Cathedral, the City of Wells, and the County of Somerset gathered in the nave for this important occasion.
The Dean, The Very Reverend Dr John Davies, welcomed the Lord Lieutenant and the other assembled guests to a special recital which was played by no fewer than five organists. After a welcome drink, he explained that every 50 years or so the organ has to undergo a full refurbishment. It is, after all, a working instrument that is played every day of the year to accompany the Cathedral Choir as well as local and visiting choirs. On top of this, it is played regularly in concerts, recitals, and used to accompany events which take place in the Cathedral. This constant use since its last overhaul back in the 1970s means it is now beginning to sound very tired and at times somewhat underwhelming. The time has come to bring it back to its full potential as a truly glorious Grand Organ for Wells Cathedral.
David Morgan-Hewitt, the Chairman of The Grand Organ Appeal, announced that over £300,000 of the £2 million required to undertake this vital project has already been given or pledged. He went on to explain the ways in which we can all help by donating to the appeal. “The backbone of our fundraising is the Regular Giving Programme but you can also give one off donations, provide a legacy in your will or Adopt a Pipe. There are even opportunities to play the organ and hold a private recital for special occasions.” The Chairman then suggested we all go and check out the website for details of these unique packages.
We then heard from the five organists. During an entertaining discussion, they gave their views on our instrument and how it compares to others they have played, recounted their personal journeys to becoming professional organists, and told us some of the funniest and most vexing moments of their careers. For many this was a highlight of the evening as we had an opportunity to get to know something about the people who make this organ sing.
Following a short film explaining the many challenges with the organ at the moment, given by Harrison and Harrison who maintain our organ, the recital began. Each of the organists played two of their favourite pieces whilst a live video feed allowed those in the nave to watch the incredible virtuosity of our passionate musicians. Finally, David Bednall entertained us with one of his famous improvisations whilst we all tried to identify the advent carols and popular songs hidden deep in the music.
Following the event, we have received some great feedback, with a number of guests commenting that the occasion had been an inspiring, enjoyable and informative evening. The amazing virtuosity of our organists made the very best of our slightly tired organ and we all headed out into the autumn evening to the strains of Widor’s famous Toccata, known to brides across the world!